Let me give you the low-down of who I am. I am an Indiana girl at heart who was born and raised in a small town. I have been a fashion enthusiast ever since I was a little girl. I have an ascribed status, which is involuntary. Nor did i ask for it or chose it. I was given a very special gift when I was in the sensorimotor stage of sixteen months old. I became deaf after having Meningitis. To have clothes “speak” for me played a huge role in my life. It acted as a lifeline to the world. I hope that I can inspire others to do the same. I wish to inspire those who follow me on my journey to step outside of the box, and of course, to be fashionating.
I currently attend school in New York, and I am majoring in Business with a concentration in Public Relations. I aspire to nurture my passion in fashion and I hope you will be behind me every step of the way as it grows and develops into something more fashioninating:)
Now, this website has been created to provide a weekly dose of outfit inspirations.
Whether you want to find out what is trendy, discover a DIY idea, find out where to shop, or even watch a tutorial of how to do make-up- this website is for you!
Take a look around. I hope you like it! Just remember, you will never influence the world by trying to be like it, so be yourself and love who you are.
Comment as you please. Message me at your leisure.

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All images & material are owned by That’s so Fashionating blog unless otherwise noted. You may use these images on the internet if you link back to www.thatssofashionating.com. If you wish to use any of my personal images for purposes off the web, please contact me.
This privacy policy is subject to change without notice. Thank you!
DISCLOSURE: This blog may accept forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid posts or other forms of compensation. I will disclose all gifted items. Rest assured, any compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made on this blog. All writings and opinions are purely my own and I will only endorse products I have tested myself and truly believe in. Some advertisements may be generated by a third party ad network.